Sunday, December 20, 2009

Kidspoint Snow Day!

Everybody loves a snow (or blizzard) day, but it's kind of a bummer when it happens on a Sunday. Kids big and small will spend the day sledding, making snow angels, and building forts for epic snowball fights (no mercy on my kids, either!).

Parents, you have an opportunity to do so much more than just make your kids hot chocolate and dry their clothes. You have a prime opportunity to set a godly example and show them that just because we have a snow day from church doesn't mean we take a day off from God. So, what will you do? Don't miss this opportunity. After all, YOU are the primary spiritual influence in your kids' lives!

Now THAT'S pointing kids to Jesus....

Kidspoint Snow Day! from Steven Latham on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kidspoint QUEST Families: Accelerate Together!

Kidspoint QUEST Families: Accelerate Together! from Steven Latham on Vimeo.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I have this sign that says GOD IS HERE pinned on the wall of my cube (at least for office next month!), and it often catches my eye. I don't really know why I put it up other than because it was in a box of stuff and I thought it was kinda cool. So, there it remains, motionless on the wall, but it won't leave me alone...

As it inevitably catches my eye several times a day, it causes me to constantly reflect upon whether I truly believe it and subsequently whether or not my actions demonstrate that belief. I know without a doubt that I have the head knowledge that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present, along with everything else that Scripture reveals about His nature. But as is often the case, there is a huge chasm between head knowledge (belief) and heart knowledge (action).

I've concluded that many days I live my life not as if GOD IS HERE, but more as if GOD IS THERE. In other words, I live minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day focusing more on where I am going (or want to go) rather than where I am. But experiencing and knowing God is not a destination, but a journey.

For example, I aspire to be a godly husband and father to my family (where I'm going or want to go), but God puts before me daily the opportunities to grow and live that out (where I am). So, my focus has been too much on the destination, but not enough on the journey (and hard work) that will get me there.

As it is said, the journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step. And in that first step, GOD IS HERE. He's also here at the second step, the 100th step, and that final step.

In what ways are fixated on the destination rather than the journey? How are you short-circuiting your spiritual growth as you focus on the end, but not the means? Where are you ignoring God's presence today while seeking His hand for tomorrow? Stop living like GOD IS THERE and start living like GOD IS HERE.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Kidspoint Sneak Peak

Here's a sneak peak into our new Kidspoint look and environments. Special thanks to Josh for the mad skillz in bringing the new concept to life!

More than just a fresh look or cool names, this new concept represents a shift in stragegy. The compass icon ties everything together. No matter what age kids are, they are on an adventurous journey toward discovering Jesus. Kidspoint provides age and developmentally-appropriate environments and 'Compass Points' (foundational biblical truths/spiritual benchmarks) to ensure that every child has the opportunity to know and follow Jesus by the time they finish 5th grade. We are 'Pointing Kids to Jesus!'

The 'new' Kidspoint will be unveiled this Sunday at Lifepoint Church. You're coming, right? Who are you bringing with you?!


Birth-2 years old (formerly Nursery)

3's & 4s / 5's & Kindergarten (formerly Preschool)

1st-5th Grades (formerly Elementary)


Our brand new Electronic Check-In is now in its centralized location in the lobby. Parents can now check in all of their kids at once no matter what their destination is! There will always be someone to assist you, but you can also check in yourself.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Next Stop: Turkey

Lindsay and I will be heading to Turkey in less than two days. Can't believe the time is already here!

Our team of eight Lifepointers will be providing programming support for conference of "workers" from around the country. They have poured their lives into the Turkish people, and this is our opportunity to pour into them and their families. We will be hosted by a wonderful couple, Nat & Abby, who I am very excited to meet.

Turkey is a spiritually dark place (99% Muslim), so the experience will be much more than physically demanding. Pray that our team is covered by God's hand throughout. Pray also for safe travels, health, and focus as we serve. Finally, pray that God's grace would abound as Lindsay and I leave our four kids with her brother's family near Atlanta (some prayers for them would be equally appropriate!). It'll be hard leaving them, but sometimes God calls us to hard things.

I look forward to experiencing another culture and seeing what God is doing in that part of the world.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Countdown to Turkey

Be sure to check out our team videos on my wife's blog! It's worth the couple of minutes to watch...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Roll Out

Enough said.

Monday, April 6, 2009

It's Good to be Home.

Today is a one of significance. Well, technically yesterday, but I digress. Today...yesterday...whatever...signifies my official return to full-time ministry. It's good to be "home."

Since December 12, 2007, we've been mentally homeless.
Since January 6, 2008, we've been officially homeless.
Since March 1, 2008, we've been financially homeless.
Now, as of April 5/6, 2009, we're finally home.

It's been a long road. We've seen God's faithfulness firsthand, and while it hasn't always been a smooth journey, He has kept His promises. I'm overwhelmed by His goodness!

My amazing wife has stood the gap for us and worked full-time for over a year in the face of her calling to be at home with our kids. Thank you, Lindsay, for your selflessness, sacrifice, and love. My kids have endured school and home life with dad. Thank you, kids, for your patience and forgiveness of my faults and failures. I love you all with all my heart.

It's good to be home. Yet the journey continues...

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I've NEVER been this late filing my taxes. I worked them up several weeks ago, but didn't file because I've been trying to get a couple questions answered by a tax professional.

Wanna know the answer I got?

"Go ahead and file. If something's wrong, you can file an amended return."


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Routine vs. Rhythm

From Merriam-Webster's online dictionary...

routine - 1 a: a regular course of procedure
rhythm - 3 a: movement, fluctuation, or variation marked by the regular recurrence or natural flow of related elements

Right now, I'm torn between my responsibilities at home (which are increasingly difficult to focus on) and my evolving role at Lifepoint Church. Truth is, I've been wrestling with this since September when I started the student ministry as a volunteer, then the scope broadened in February to include Kidspoint as a part-timer. I'm counting down the next week and a half until I'm officially full-time (counting faster hasn't worked yet...suggestions?!).

One thing I'm looking forward to about being officially full-time in ministry again after a year off is getting my life back into a rhythm, but not a routine. I used to think of it as routine, but now I know it's actually rhythm. I want my life to be anything but routine...

Things have been so chaotic for my family over the past year, I find myself craving the "natural flow of related elements" I used to have. Those related elements comprise my life, and you have your own set of life elements, too. The challenge is getting those elements to make beautiful music together in a way that honors God.

Ever heard a tight band play live? You know, one that is just...tight? Timing is impeccable, they can read each other's minds, and everything just grooves? It's hard to describe, but you know it when you hear it...and you know it when it's not there. Well, just like that tight rock band grooves together, I want my spiritual life, home life, ministry life, family & friends life, financial life, health life, etc. to settle into that synergistic groove that's been missing over the past year.

Rhythm is underestimated. When you have it, don't take it for granted. When you don't, keep practicing...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Twitter Bug Got Me

In keeping with my very first blog post, I'm now a "twit" - @steven_latham. Yeah, finally got bit by the Twitter bug and gave in to pop culture peer pressure. Now just gotta learn the dang thing.

Follow me! Bet Jesus would say that if He was on Twitter...

Friday, March 20, 2009

March Madness

The season of late nights is upon us. You never know when that instant classic is gonna happen. Right now, I'm watching the UCLA/VCU game come down to the wire. 11.6 seconds left, VCU down by one...

Gotta love it.

Who's winning YOUR bracket?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Back to School

Homeschooling is such a trip. A trip to the past, that is.

Today, I spent about two hours doing math with my girls. It's incredible how much you forget from your school days, but even more incredible how fast it comes back to you. It's actually fun to rediscover stuff I used to think never mattered, even if it still doesn't matter today. Does that even make sense?

Somewhere along the line, I forgot that pi is more than something you eat. I double-dog dare you to ask me how to find the area or circumference of a circle. Go it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tired, but Wired...

Long day, but a great day. My day in the office, great staff meeting, and had an amazing evening at Momentum with our great volunteer leaders.

Momentum is our quarterly gathering of key leaders (60 of 'em!) to worship together and pour into them vision, leadership principles, some good vittles, and some serious fun. I bet you've never raced other followers of Jesus doing shots of Lucky Charms! Anyway, I'm sure you're thoroughly confused and disturbed now, but it was such an encouraging night, and aptly named...

Even though I'm exhausted from the day, I have so much running through my head. Tired, but wired. God is going before us, and He is going to allow us to make a huge dent in Hell this Easter Season. We don't want to go anywhere He's not going ahead of us.

I'm so honored to be part of such an amazing group of people that are sold out to the vision of reaching people far from God so they can experience His design for their lives.

Who are you bringing Easter Sunday?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Craigslist is my Friend

Sold my old phone tonight. Got someone on the hook for my iPod Nano. Got wifey's old phone and a DVR I'm cutting loose (anybody interested?)...


Daddy needs a new phone.

The cell phone I inherited is driving me mad. Like literally mad. I've never been given to slamming doors, stomping feet, or maniacal screaming like some other people I know, but I've come close to throwing this phone through the wall a time or two. I feel like I have two left hands with this thing! What's that they say? "Don't know whatcha got til it's gone...?"

Yep. Saving up for a new phone. Should I get an iPhone like the rest of the planet?

Sunday, March 15, 2009


So, I've decided to petition God to add an eighth day to the week. I've decided that He simply made a mistake when He chose to make a week seven days. Now, don't get your panties in a bunch over that last statement; I know God doesn't really make mistakes...just play along, OK?!

I'm six weeks into the part-time portion of my new position at Lifepoint Church. It's been such an answer to prayer that God led us to this incredible church last spring, but especially since He opened a door to us serving there after a long year of looking for position (yes, it's been a year). I'll be part-time for three more weeks and FULL-TIME APRIL 5. Needless to say, I've got that date circled on my calendar!

These past six weeks have convinced me that God should have made an eight day week. You see, I have so many exciting tasks/project/initiatives that I want to pursue that I'm finding it difficult to squeeze them in. Need that eighth day! Between my two day work week (crazy-busy Sundays and staff-centered Tuesdays), school for the big girls, house work, a full-time working wife, etc., life's been...shall we say...a little crazy.

So, for the next three weeks, I'm proposing an eighth day - "Stevenday." That way, I can get all the things done I want/need to. Will you bend God's ear with me?

The good thing is once April 5 gets here, "Stevenday" can fade into history as seven will do just fine like it always has. I think...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Darn good. Darn cheap.

My local McDonald's has a big banner in front of it proclaiming "$1 COFFEE - Any size, hot or iced." On the way home this afternoon, I was sucked in by this brilliant marketing vortex. 4:30 is about the ideal time for a cup o' joe, so into the drive-thru I went. Being one who always stretches his dollar as far as it will go, I promptly ordered a large.

Best dollar I've spent in a while. Especially after being up at 5 a.m.

Something tells me it won't be last time I'm sucked into that vortex...