Monday, March 16, 2009

Craigslist is my Friend

Sold my old phone tonight. Got someone on the hook for my iPod Nano. Got wifey's old phone and a DVR I'm cutting loose (anybody interested?)...


Daddy needs a new phone.

The cell phone I inherited is driving me mad. Like literally mad. I've never been given to slamming doors, stomping feet, or maniacal screaming like some other people I know, but I've come close to throwing this phone through the wall a time or two. I feel like I have two left hands with this thing! What's that they say? "Don't know whatcha got til it's gone...?"

Yep. Saving up for a new phone. Should I get an iPhone like the rest of the planet?


Aaron Arkkelin said...


It's great to read your thoughts and musings! It is cool to see you getting settled a bit. In relation to your iPhone question, there is simply no other way. You must buy the iPhone...especially if you call yourself a pastor. ;) (I'm not sure what that means...)

-Aaron Arkkelin