Monday, June 16, 2008

New Look - New Game!

As you can see, I'm playing around with my blog layout/scheme including a new, albeit simple, title banner. In order to condense the title - The (Insert Clever Blog Title Here) Blog - and save space, I thought it would be best to initial it.

I thought to celebrate the new look, we could play a game. So, let's see how many words we can form from the initials. I'll start:

  1. ...
Uh, nevermind.


Lindsay said...

Oh OH I got one


YAY! What do I win?

brenna said...

I have to say, when I first saw the new banner, I had to look twice. I definitely thought it said what Lindsay said...

The Sobie said...

I was going to play, but what's the point? Lindsay wins.