Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Elusive Odes...

So, I've tried on two different occasions now to compose an apparently elusive "Ode to Iced Tea." Why? Just a crazy idea I thought would be funny, at least to me (Can we all agree that this is all that matters anyway? After all, this is my blog...).

Odes don't come easy.

At least ones that are trivial, as one about iced tea would surely be. Don't get me wrong; I love the stuff. In fact, I break out into a sweat every time I see that new "Ice Gold" McDonald's billboard in town with a giant styrofoam cup supposedly housing that intoxicating elixir called "sweet tea" (some of you reading this may be able to hear my obnoxious rendering of that phrase). Back to my point...

Trivial things are, well...trivial. Dictionary.com defines trivial "as of very little importance or value; insignificant." So, I'm coming to grips with the insignificance of iced tea. Pray for me!

After reading that definition, I started looking for more trivial things that take up space in my life. While delivering this past Sunday's message, I confessed before my church things that have been (or have potential to be) idols in my life. Idols meaning things that keep me from God. Idols are trivial, are they not? Idols are things that are "of very little importance or value; insignificant" in the grand scheme of life.

The great lie of idols is that they seem vital, valuable, and utterly significant at the time. Otherwise, they would struggle to command our attention as they do.

  • That new instrument is vital until it becomes the god I serve instead of a tool to worship the one, true God.
  • That 12-win regular season for the Hokies is valuable until it fades into just another year.
  • That ministry job is utterly significant until I realize I'm doing it for all the wrong reasons.
Idols seem to be something they are not--vital, valuable, and utterly significant. This is not say that everything trivial in the world is inherently evil or should be condemned, but at the very least, we should guard our hearts from the idolatry that can so easily slip into life virtually undetected. In other words, iced tea isn't evil (thank God!). But, as silly as it sounds, it has the potential to be if I put it between God and me. So it is with other, not-so-silly things in my life.

Even "good" things can be idols. Like technology, relevance, tradition, a denomination, or even your kids. But, in the grand scheme, when God is put first as He most certainly should be, these things become blessings and extensions of His goodness. Sometimes, we get it the other way around, that these things lead us to God's goodness. These are the hardest idols to avoid, and that probably explains why we pursue them so hard, because they seem noble at the time.

Idols lie.

My prayer today is straight out of God's Word.

Psalm 24:3-6 ~

3 Who may climb the mountain of the Lord?
Who may stand in his holy place?
4 Only those whose hands and hearts are pure,
who do not worship idols
and never tell lies.
5 They will receive the Lord’s blessing
and have a right relationship with God their savior.
6 Such people may seek you
and worship in your presence, O God of Jacob.


ocean mommy said...


That was like reading something I wrote last summer for a women's thing I was involved in. The thing about idols is that God will not tolerate our worship of them for long. He'll knock them, or us, or both down. My "trip" down the stairs almost two years ago is a prime example of this.

Thanks for the reminder to examine the heart and make sure God is the object of our worship.


The Sobie said...

I wrote an ode to dang in my blog.

Odes are cool. As is iced tea... and sometimes Ice-T.

susanw. said...

Steven: Thanks for your blog. GOD has been working on something in my life and I keep telling him Its just a thing and it dosn't keep me from Him. But after reading your blog it hit home, that even little things can be idiols. Thanks Susanw.